The statue was installed on 7 October 1954, on Vijayadasami day, the 36th anniversary of Baba's mahasamadhi. The ceremony was performed by Swami Sai Sharananand who, as a youth (then named Vaman Patel), had had direct contact with Baba during the eight years before Baba's mahasamadhi. The Nandi bull (statue of Shiva's vehicle) now seen at the entrance of the temple was added later. The silver throne upon which the statue is seated and from where Baba governs his spiritual empire weighs 60.82 kg. A grand new throne weighing 205 kg was installed on Ramanavami 2002 and is used on special festival days.

"My bones will assure you from my samadhi.
It will communicate with you.
It will respond to whoever surrenders to it."
As the main object of adoration in Shirdi, the statue is accorded all due honours. As one of the chief Sansthan officials said, "We believe that Baba is still alive." Out of their love for Baba, devotees wish to provide every comfort and respect they can. Accordingly, Baba is given a hot water bath in the morning, offered breakfast, lunch and dinner, has his clothes changed four times a day before each arati and is adorned with a silver or gold crown for the arati worship. At night a mosquito net is hung and the tomb is spread with a special plain white cotton cloth, of the type that Baba's kafni was made. A glass of water is kept by his side. Each morning at five o'clock Baba is woken up, the mosquito net is removed, and incense is offered while bhupali (a morning raga) is sung