Laxmibai Shinde was one of the half dozen or so devotees who were with Baba when he passed away, and the only woman who was allowed in the mosque when the curtain was down. (In those days, the curtain acted as a door, and screened the upper part of the mosque.) Like several other close devotees, she used to prepare food for Baba every day. Baba gave her four rupees daily, and just before he died he gave her a total of nine rupees. Some people see these as symbolizing the nine forms of devotion, others as the nine characteristics of a good disciple, as indicated in the Bhagavata Purana. The coins are kept with a statue of Laxmibai in the small house which is open to the public. To find it, walk a few metres down the narrow lane which starts opposite the Chavadi until you come to a small open area on your left; here you will see the house with samadhi in front.