this one is beside Lendi
One of Abdul's duties was to keep two buckets of water by the lamp. After sitting, Baba would apparently take these, and in a ritualistic and rather mysterious way, throw the water in all four directions around the lamp. In his Life of Sai Baba Narasimhaswami observes, "He seemed to be blessing devotees in each direction and warding off evils that may be threatening them." This, however, is conjecture, and again we cannot be sure why Baba did this.

A few feet from Nanda Deep is a small Dattatreya shrine erected in 1976. Close by is the small samadhi of Shyam Sunder the horse.
The Well
A little beyond Nanda Deep and slightly to the left is a well. This well is of interest as it was dug by Baba and some of his devotees, and it was from here that Baba got his drinking water. Baba even gave this well a nick-name, "Bukhi".