served Baba Bhiksha
throughout his life in
The next houses Baba went to on his rounds were also very close to each other those of Bayajabai (Tatya's mother), and Bayaji Appa Kote Patil (in whose arms Baba passed away). They are just beyond Narasinh Lodge opposite Ithiraj Hotel (its sign is in Hindi only), around the corner from what is currently Saikkon Colour Laboratory. It was in this area that the photo of Baba on his begging rounds was taken. Bayajabai's family later moved to a bigger house a few metres away behind Mahalaxmi Temple. This has been converted into a hotel and is now known as Bayajabai Guesthouse.
Finally, Baba used to go to the house of the local money-lender, Nandaram Marwari. This is in the lane between Dwarkamai and Gurusthan behind what is now the Madras Hotel. Like the other families to whom Baba went for bhiksha, this one was devoted to Baba and, also like the others, received many blessings from him. Baba sometimes went to all or any of these houses more than a dozen times a day (later the number of daily visits became fewer). In the case of Nandaram's wife, Baba would sometimes shout and heap abuse on her if she was slow in preparing the offering. Nandaram's descendants are still living in part of this house, which has been extended; the rest of it has been turned into a lodge.

seen in front of the door
On Vijayadasami, as part of the annual celebrations, Baba's bhiksha routine is ritualistically re-enacted by devotees. The Participants are selected by lottery and taken ceremoniously in the procession to the five houses, via Dwarkamai, starting at the Samadhi Mandir.